Mandatory Cash Dividend/ Distribution
Cash Dividend/ Distribution::Mandatory |
Issuer & Securities |
Securities | TALKMED GROUP LIMITED – SG2G61000003 – 5G3 |
Announcement Details |
Announcement Title | Mandatory Cash Dividend/ Distribution |
Date & Time of Broadcast | 25-Feb-2015 19:50:39 |
Status | New |
Corporate Action Reference | SG150225DVCA9H0L |
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) | Lee Boon Yong |
Designation | Chief Financial Officer |
Dividend/ Distribution Number | Not Applicable |
Dividend/ Distribution Type | Final |
Financial Year End | 31/12/2014 |
Declared Dividend Rate (Per Share) | SGD 0.0243 |
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) | Please refer to the attachment. |
Event Narrative |
Narrative Type | Narrative Text |
Taxation Conditions | One-tier tax exempt |
Event Dates |
Record Date and Time | 06/05/2015 17:00:00 |
Ex Date | 04/05/2015 |
Dividend Details |
Payment Type | Tax Exempted (1-tier) |
Pay Date | 15/05/2015 |
Attachments |
Total size =137K |